HYPOR breeding animals

Hypor is one of the world's leading suppliers of pig genetics. Committed to providing superior genetics that supports profitability in the pork value chain. Breeding is our passion and is at the core of our company We do our utmost to exceed expectations. We support your business with a team of industry-recognized professionals with experienced and practical advice.

Hypor Libra


Hypor Maxter


Hypor Magnus


Hypor Libra
Hypor Libra is the most sustainable sow in the industry, with superior stayability and little management needed. It has been bred with the capacity to deliver uniform and high quality piglets, that will become valuable finishers.


Stability The Hypor Libra demonstrates superior stability, it has strong feet and legs and higher survivability, which means she easily remains in the herd longer, to guarantee a high return on investment.
More weaning capacity The Hypor Libra is selected for 16 functional teats to supply adequate colostrum and milk, with the capacity to deliver 16 total born, 15 born live and 14 weaned piglets.
Excellent reproductive efficiency With the Hypor Libra, there is a consistent advantage in reproductive efficiency traits which improve the overall productivity of your farm.
High birth weight The Hypor Libra consistently produces high quality piglets born with an average birth weight of 1.5 kg. There are fewer small piglets in the litter.
Uniform litters Uniformity in piglet weight ensures successful piglet growth and sufficient teat access.
High survivability The winning combination of an adequate number of functional teats and ability to feed offspring makes Hypor Libra deliver heavy piglets of high quality, resulting in higher survival rates.
Fast growing and efficient The Hypor Libra excels in reproductive and finishing traits, producing and weaning piglets that grow fast in a feed efficient way.
Uniform from wean to finishing The Hypor Libra produces high quality piglets that maintain their uniformity throughout life, optimizing pig flow from wean to finish.
More full value finishers The quality piglets produced by the Hypor Libra are more likely to become full value finishers, ensuring every resource to raise the pigs is used efficiently.


Hypor Maxter
Hypor Maxter is Piétrain's top sire line that delivers high-quality, uniform and efficient progeny. The piglets grow fast and uniform, to become full-grown finishers, which results in uniform carcass quality that meets high requirements.


Heavy birth weights The average birth weight of the Hypor Maxter piglets is 1.5 kg Very few piglets in a litter have low weights.
Uniform litters Hypor Maxter piglets are set up for success with the combination of uniform litters and heavy birth weights
"Piglet Boom" "Piglet boost" The Hypor Maxter provides a quantifiable “piglet boost”, with an increase in total born, born alive and weaned by +0.5 – 1.0 piglets.
More turns per year The Hypor Maxters is one of the fastest growing Piétrains in the world. Fewer days in the barn results in more turns per year.
Uniform from weaning to finishing Hypor Maxter pigs are uniform from weaning to finishing, improving overall performance and achieving more predictable finishing dates.
More full value finishers The Hypor Maxter produces more full value finishers, resulting in better labour and resource use.
Easily fits many grids The carcass characteristics of Hypor Maxter pigs fits many grids around the world for better producer revenue.
Uniform carcass characteristics Carcass uniformity is unmatched, giving producers more revenue and and processors a more reliable product to sell.
Lower drip loss The Hypor Maxter produces carcasses with lower drip loss, benefiting the processors and the consumers.
Hypor Magnus
Hypor Magnus is the top Duroc sire line which produces heavy, uniform piglets and full value finishers. Producers and processors benefit from carcasses with greater yield and a high degree of meat quality.


Heavy birth weights The Hypor Maxter consistently produces high quality piglets with an average birtth weight of 1.5 kg 96% piglets in the litter weigh more than 1 kg.
Uniform litters The combination of heavy birth weights and uniform litters sets piglets up for early while nursing on the sow and throughout life.
Vital piglets at weaning High quality piglets from the Hypor Magnus are heavy at birth, which continues to weaning, when piglets are heavy and vital, improving their ability to cope with weaning.
Reliable growth Hypor Magnus pigs are able to grow well in many conditions, which improves barn throughput and guarantees reliable performance.
Efficient lean gains to heavy weights The Hypor Magnus achieves the target slaughter weight efficiently, with advantages over others in the market.
More full value finishers More Hypor Magnus pigs reach the target market, resulting in better resource use efficiency.
Greater carcass yield The Hypor Magnus gives a higher carcass yield, which gives more revenue to the producer and the processor.
Carcass traits for many grids Hypor Magnus pigs are versatile and can satisfy or exceed carcass traits requirements across many grids.
Desirable meat quality The Hypor Magnus consistently meets or exceeds the targets for top quality meat, without compromising on efficiency.

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